My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I enjoyed this book, Jen Sincero is funny, relatable, and passionate. She doesn't explain anything new per say, her book is about what's shes learned from other self help books, seminars, and personal experience, but the way she exaplains it and reinforces certain points is what was enjoyable to me.
This book had a good start, Sincero explains who should read this book, and why.
The way she writes is as if you're sitting down having a cup of coffee with her while she's spilling all the information to you verbally.
She claims to have read all the self help books, attended all the seminars, spent tons of money she didn't have on coaches and she's going to share what worked for her.
She's funny! and gives really great relatable examples of what she's trying to explain.
The whole book had a lot to do with The Secret; have positive and open thoughts, believe in yourself, dream big and believe you already have it.
- you need to believe that we live in a world of limitless possibilities
- "All this is to say that it’s not your fault that you’re fucked up. It’s your fault if you stay fucked up, but the foundation of your fuckedupedness is something that’s been passed down through
generations of your family, like a coat of armsor a killer cornbread recipe,"
- "Most people are living in an illusion based on someone else’s beliefs."
- As Albert Einstein observed, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
- All energy vibrates at a certain frequency. Which means you’re vibrating at a certain frequency, and everything you desire, and don’t desire, is also vibrating at a certain frequency, Vibration attracts like vibration.
- "If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are
living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present." —Lao Tzu
- Animals and children are great examples to live by. Kids are constantly creating in a state of free-flowing, concentrated bliss, they haven’t yet learned to worry about what other people think of them. They are in the moment. There is fun in the moment. End of story.
- we invest everything we’ve got in believing that we’re not good enough.
-"instead of setting aside the entire day to work, decide that you’ll work in hour-long chunks"
- Winston Churchill so aptly explained, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
- "act as if you’re where you want to be, don’t hang out with sad sacks and people who whine about how broke they are all the time, erase the words “I can’t” from your vocabulary, envision what you desire, set goals, demand of yourself that you become who you need to become to create the life you desire."
- The more you have, the more you have to share.
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