My TBR Page

Here is where I organize which books I will be reading. Keep in mind the order is constantly changing depending on my mood, my life status, boredom of a genre or author, recommendations, where the wind takes me, and fate... We have no free will lol but usually the order will only change by a few places.

Week 2:
Paris Ever After 40%

Master -Key to Riches
How Not to Die
The Intelligent Investor

Week 3:

Week 4:



Series Currently Reading- (7 Series, 28 books)
Name of the Wind (2/2.5)                     - 0.5
Throne of Glass (7/8)                           - 1
Lust in the Tudor Court (1/3)                - 2 
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (3/6) - 3
Black Dagger Brotherhood (1/17)        - 16

Fantasy Series TBR:
The Hobbit (1) Lord of the Rings (4)
The Drenai Saga (11)
Foundation (7)
All Souls Trilogy (3)

A Game of Thrones (5) new Villains (2) new
Red Rising Saga (6) new

Teen Fantasy Series TBR:
The Lunar Chronicles (4)
The Illuminae Files (3)
Ash Princess Trilogy (3)
Arc of a Scythe (3)
Shades of Magic (3)
Redwall (22)

Winternight Trilogy (3) new
The Folk of the Air (3) new
Empirium (3) new
Caraval (3) new 
Six of Crows (2) new 
A Court of Thorns and Roses (3) new
Shattered Realms (4) new
Iskari Series (3) new
Legacy of Orisha Series (3) new

The Legend of Drizzt
Women of the Otherworld

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