The Shadow Throne by
Jennifer A. Nielsen
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
(2.5 stars) Decent book, good series. All in all a typical book/series. It was like a kiddy version of Game of Thrones but only from Jaron's perspective instead of multi-dimensional character perspectives.
Lots happened in this final installment of the Ascendance Trilogy. It was too rushed and jumpy. I prefer a book that takes it slow and is more descriptive. It felt more like 'he went there, then came here, and they did this, and then this happened' - instead of describing all the elements and dimensions of it. It felt like Nielsen just wanted to get the story over and done with lol
The story was pretty decent but I had issues with the characters:
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- Jaron - I enjoy his humor, wittiness, and smart-assness about him. But he had way too much responsibility for a kid lol and seemed wayyyyy too mature for his age, buy hey this is a middle school book
- Connor is literally the most bouncy loyalty character I have ever read about lol
- Mott was such a clingy, needy, undying servant, and felt unrealistic because it happened too quickly and easily in the first couple books
- Imogen - I still don't know or understand why Jaron loved her so much, there wasn't enough development through the books to believe it. I knew that in this book the enemy would take her or kill her. And when they said they killed her I knew they must have not killed her because that would be so dumb killing off a valuable hostage to Jaron, it wouldn't make any sense. So the twist that she was actually alive was pretty lame. Also the fact that the enemy asked Jaron about what he wanted on her gravestone was dumb too, why would an enemy do that when he's being all threatening lol.
- Ronan - his growth as a leader felt way too quickly earned
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