Thursday, April 30, 2020

Review: Not a Diet Book: The Must-Have Fitness Book From the World's Favourite Personal Trainer

Not a Diet Book: The Must-Have Fitness Book From the World's Favourite Personal Trainer Not a Diet Book: The Must-Have Fitness Book From the World's Favourite Personal Trainer by James Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The best book ever on the fitness industry, advice, diet, exercise!

James Smith is "That Hashtag-Calorie-Fucking-Deficit Guy" (#CFD!) He covers a range of topics from diet, diet fads, training routines, supplements, sleep, when to eat, how to eat, motivation, and even women's menstrual cycles.

What it all comes down to in losing weight, fat, getting healthier, lowering your BMI etc is just going on a calorie deficit diet. More calories out than in will make you lose weight, it's really that simple.

All these diet fads are just some ways in consuming less calories overall, and whichever one you believe in will generally work because it's a placebo. Some others are better than others, for example Intermittent Fasting is a great way to lose fat because you're basically skipping breakfast and only consuming lunch and dinner, less calories, more weight loss.

View all my reviews

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