Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Review: Someone We Know

Someone We Know Someone We Know by Shari Lapena
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

2.5/5 stars
It was okay... I've read better Who dunnit' type of books.

The book starts off with family teenage drama. The mom finds out her son has been snooping into their neighbors homes. She doesn't react well and makes a mistake of writing a letter to the homes he broke into. The parents scare the boy into not doing it again. You learn about all their neighbors for the who dunnit part. The detectives ask everyone questions.. mostly everyone withholds extra info making the book longer then it should have been lol...

The entire book is centered around the Who Dunnit. There's no extra of anything which makes it just feel rushed and unimaginative.

The ending wasn't even that good.

View all my reviews

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