Thursday, May 28, 2020

Review: City of Glass

City of Glass City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

(2.5/5 stars) Gotta say I'm kinda disappointed in this trilogy's ending...

I give it 3 stars because I enjoyed the series and I liked the world building, and characters. But then I give it 2 stars because this book dragged on like no tomorrow.... I was actually getting annoyed lol. The ending was not surprising to me at all and I could predict what was going to happen most of the time. I have much more specific complaints in the spoilers section below.

This book is much slower paced and longer than the first couple books. Which in a way I didn't mind because we can go deeper into the characters and story, but in another way it got really repetitive and boring.

I found the new character Sebastian interesting - do we trust him, is he good or bad? And I enjoyed Simon's 'becoming of vampireness' lol I feel like he embraced it more.

What I didn't like the most was the lack of emotion when there needed to be... (see spoilers)

(view spoiler)

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