City of Glass by
Cassandra Clare
My rating:
2 of 5 stars
(2.5/5 stars) Gotta say I'm kinda disappointed in this trilogy's ending...
I give it 3 stars because I enjoyed the series and I liked the world building, and characters. But then I give it 2 stars because this book dragged on like no tomorrow.... I was actually getting annoyed lol. The ending was not surprising to me at all and I could predict what was going to happen most of the time. I have much more specific complaints in the spoilers section below.
This book is much slower paced and longer than the first couple books. Which in a way I didn't mind because we can go deeper into the characters and story, but in another way it got really repetitive and boring.
I found the new character Sebastian interesting - do we trust him, is he good or bad? And I enjoyed Simon's 'becoming of vampireness' lol I feel like he embraced it more.
What I didn't like the most was the lack of emotion when there needed to be... (see spoilers)
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- the whole Jace/Clary frustration was so over done! I couldn't stand it anymore lol Like come on you know that they're going to end up finding out that they're not actually family and be together in the end stop going on about it...
- I like how Simon was locked up in a cell next to Hodge (not Samuel) so there was a bit of an unexpected twist there
- lol the inquisitors are too inquisitive for their own good, they always end up dead.
- as i predicted Imogen died for Jayce in the previous book because she's actually his grandmother.
- This book almost feel's like in the Harry Potter series The Order of the phoenix where you meet the team with the cause and it's a bridge into the rest of the series. New characters and new setting and new situations. I am actually surprised she didn't continue this series forward instead of a prequel. You just KNOW that Sebastian is still alive lmao I know this for a fact because they couldn't find his body. That's a hanger right there.
- there was like zero emotion from Clary when Jayce got murdered... and because of this I KNEW that he wasn't actually dead or Clary would be able to bring him back.
- the 3 book villain Valentine died way too quickly for all the vengeance and all this time that's passed
- I feel like Alec and the parents Maryse and Robert were barely at all in this book. And there was literally zero character development for their father Robert Lightwood in the whole series.
- it was kinda cool with the whole Valentine torture chamber but we never got to see it in action and all we saw was a sad tortured angel that wanted to die... why did it want to die anyway, can't it heal itself if it's freed? Having Ithuriel on their team would have been amazing, and more interesting. That way the angel could take heaven upon Valentine and the city.
- I also figured that Clary and even Jayce had some part of Angel blood in them from the last book, because of their supernatural abilities of strength and creating runes. So no surprise that they had taken some angel blood when they were young. Would have been more interesting if they were somehow genetically angels though... w/e
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