Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Review: Pretty Things

Pretty Things Pretty Things by Janelle Brown
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Wow I really binged this book haha it's pretty long and I finished it in almost under 24hr XD

It was good! Twists and turns and exciting and wanting to figure out more and more and wondering where it's going to go.

I feel like summing up this book would give too much away haha but basically it's about a smart manipulative con artist girl who wants to get revenge con on this entitled, rich, self obsessed girl she knew back in highschool because of what her family did to her.

I like how a book showed the Instagram influencer lifestyle and internal and external POV of it.

I liked how well the narrative switched from Nina's POV to Vanessa's point of view in the chapters.

The ending was good but I was expecting it the whole time. I think I've rad so many novels at this point it's difficult to really shock me haha but I still enjoyed the whole journey! Ashley/Nina and Vanessa are great characters. Nina is introverted, caring, self aware, manipulative, smart, witty and Vanessa is beautiful, rich, healthy, very Instagram savvy, but pretty dull minded.

I feel like this would make for a better movie than book. Reason in spoiler below.

(view spoiler)

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