Sunday, July 12, 2020

Review: Together: Why Social Connection Holds the Key to Better Health, Higher Performance, and Greater Happiness

Together: Why Social Connection Holds the Key to Better Health, Higher Performance, and Greater Happiness Together: Why Social Connection Holds the Key to Better Health, Higher Performance, and Greater Happiness by Vivek H. Murthy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Good book, very anecdotal, lots of stories...

Talks about how COVID right now is changing us and the social needs that we have as humans.

It's made me more empathetic and understanding to people that suffer from loneliness and the lack of human social connection. Connection is so important to our lives, health, and wellbeing.

I feel like I read a lot and it's interesting but I didn't take any notes lol

Loneliness kills...

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