Sunday, June 3, 2018

Lux Opposition By: Jennifer L. Armentrout




This book was fun to read always keeping you at the end of your seat wanting to read more, except I was a little disappointed at the ending, I was expecting a big twist or something surprising and it was exactly what the reader was anticipating, predictable. I feel like Armentrout tried doing this with Daemon almost dying in the end but I just knew he'd make it out alive.

Out of all the books I found this book to genre out into more of a romance rather than a teen fantasy which is fine but it's just a different feel that the other books to me. I wanted there to be more story behind the origins since they are the most powerful being "like gods". And this was the only book that didn't have a focus on a crystal, like onyx (quartz was also in the first book), obsidian, opal (the 4th book origin had the fire opal). I would have liked a new crystal to come out into play in the last book.


I found Ethans death to be anticlimactic since he ran away and got shot in the back, it wasn't a fight, it was lame. I also felt that the characters Dee, Luke, Beth, and Dawson were really put in the back burner the last half of the book, to more so focus on the romance between Kat and Daemon.

I loved the part with the Arum, and you go underground into their home and meet their leader, and just how characteristic the Arum are. I'm glad Armentrout explored this in the book since the Arum were really in the first and second book and have kind of been on the back burner since the Origin were introduced.

The part where her mom died was actually really sad and the way Armentrout described how Kat felt was dead on, no pun intended. I felt Kat's pain and fury.

And come on it should have ended with Kat and Daemon having a baby or at least preggo :P

This book made me lol on multiple occasions, with parts like oh crappy shit on a stick. I liked the references into real life like Harry Potter and Starbucks.

Started Reading: July 22, 2016
Finished Reading: Aug 4, 2016


Genre: YA, YA Fantasy, Romance
Page Count: 533 pages
Year 1st Published: 2014
Published By: Entangled Teen


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