Thursday, October 25, 2018

Review: Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book wasn't what I expected at all, in a bad way.
I thought it was going to be Harry Potter meets Percy Jackson, and it was kinda like Percy Jackson in the beginning but then the story turned to fairies, and then to a squadron of troopers in the army and I was just confused lol
I thought it was a fantasy book but it was more science fiction with all the ships and the gun descriptions.
The best part of this book was how smart and two steps ahead Artemis always was.
This book was soooo jumpy, here and then there and then you don't even know where you are. And most of the things that happen you just feel like... why? What is the point of this story lol what's the bigger picture? There is none meh...
I wouldn't say it's a children's book because they briefly mention adult concepts like accountants and selling stocks, etc But I wouldn't say it's an adult book either as the main character Artemis is only 2 years old and the book mentions things like Leprechauns :P So it's tough to categorize which age group, I suppose it's a young adult book, but not younger and not older. I find most YA books younger children could read them or adults could too but not this series.
I won't be continuing to read this series.

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