My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Dang... I'm the only negative review for this book. This book was extremely repetitive, reiterating these points: study the lords words and say out loud the lords words, words are extremely important and have power, say them until you truly believe it and you'll get what you need.
There were tons of Bible excerpts. It felt like I was in church and saying hallelujah praise the Lord Jesus! :P
It is basically reiterating the law of attraction with a Christian touch on it, referencing the Bible.
Excerpts from the book:
- "Words are important. Begin now to become WORD CONSCIOUS. Words are like little seeds that produce after their kind. Learn to pray according to the Word of God. God's Word will produce after His kind."
- "The enemy knows there is power in your words. That is why he tries so desperately to get you to confess doubt, fear, and unbelief."
- "The WORD is what works. It's not our prayer that works; it's the WORD AND FAITH that works. Prayer won't make faith work."
- "...if you can control the tongue you would have no trouble with the body. He said the tongue is to the physical body (THE RULING FACTOR) as bits are to a horse. They are both establishing the Word of God in the mouth, and they also have control of the physical body. He said, if you would control the tongue, you would not have any trouble with the body."
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