Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Review: Pippi Longstocking

Pippi Longstocking Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You don't realize how much children's books shaped who you are until you reread them as an adult :) So much of Pippi reminds me of me; unique, weird, pet monkey, super strong, always smiling, enjoys riding her horse, unconventional/out of the box way of thinking, lives on her own and takes care of herself which is what I always wanted to do. Like that part in Matilda when she's home alone making pancakes. I just don't have her habit of compulsive lying lol

'Suppose you go home now," said Pippi, "so that you can come back tomorrow. Because if you don't go home you can't come back, and that would be a shame."

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