Friday, November 29, 2019

Review: Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I don't think I'm the intended audience for this book but it was nice.

I think most people love it for the nostalgia of it, but unfortunately this was my first time reading it.

It's like a children's book with very similar vibes to Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren for the main characters innocence, purity, heart, and imagination! And plus they both have red hair lol :P But Pippi was a perfeft sizes book for the audience. Anne of Green Gables would have been better and more appropriate to children if it was shorter, but it's the length of a full grown adult book and boy does it drag on haha about nothingness really.

There's no overall story, no climax, no villain really. But this book was first published in 1908 after all and stories weren't really proper back then I guess. It's just simply a story of a girl living her life.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Review: Principles: Life and Work

Principles: Life and Work Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

First of all to edify Ray Dalio and who he is - Ray started his company out of his 2 bedroom apartment and built it to: 5th most important private company (Fortune), 1 of the 100 richest people in the world (Forbes), and one of the 100 most influential (Time)

I learned some "principles" in this book but I didn't get as much as I was hoping for. There are some very good concrete principles but there is so much repetition I started losing my mind lol if he says "Idea Meritocracy" one more time!!! I'm gonna lose it lol

I like how Dalio was interested in psychology and neuroscience to enhance the morale and productivity of his employee's, he was always striving for excellence in every department.

I liked the chapter on Decision Making, I think that it's a good re-read chapter"

My big take away's:
- Run your company as an idea meritocracy.
- Be open minded.
- Work together.
- Hire the right people and when they're not right or just don't fit anymore move on.
- When you make a mistake write it down, create a better system for next time, learn from it.
- If you automate decision making and assure yourself of your values it free's up brain power for other things.
- If you can create computer algorithms to research and decide things for you, the past repeats itself.
- It’s very important to understand where people are coming from, and put yourself in their shoes, and understand that everyone needs to be treated differently because everyone is different.

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Monday, November 25, 2019

Review: The Crown

The Crown The Crown by Kiera Cass
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

This series has finally come to a close! If anything it has taught me that it doesn't take much to create a successful teen series and is inspiring me that maybe I can actually write something because it would for sure be better than this.

You know that girl who's really annoying and talks to much and ins't very intelligent? That's what this whole series has felt like lol... I almost feel guilty for being mean >_<

This book was the worst of all, so empty, so pointless, so meaningless, so boring, so typical, so ugh. The only good things about it were some wisdom in relationships here and there and that's it. I'm not going to dive into all the reasons it didn't make a good book because it's just too much and I just want to move on with my life lol. The series overall would have been better without the last 2 books, but even then it still would have just been ok/good.

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Review: Blood Bound

Blood Bound Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Wow did I actually finish reading this in less than 24hr? Huh.. lol I guess I enjoyed it! :P

This one was better than the first book! I was 50/50 on if I should continue this series because I only semi enjoyed the first one. But I'm pleased I continued on. It's still not the greatest series by no means.

I love the culture of werewolves, vampires, shape-shifters, walkers, witches, demons, and wizards lol I also enjoyed learning more about the vampires this book. It's kinda like how True Blood but a lot less sexualness which sucks :P This series needs more of that!

My main complaint about this book is the pace, the beginning - good, the middle - SOOO SLOW, the end - too quick... Also I expected more for the ending.

(view spoiler)

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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Review: Caged

Caged Caged by Ellison Cooper
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Not my genre. I'm actually surprised I read it all the way through lol I'm the type of person who didn't even really enjoy the movie Se7en with Brad Pitt lol

This book was like this - oh we're pretty sure who the killer is now! chase chase chase, oh wait nooooo that's not the killer, oh wait wait over here! chase chase chase.. hmm.. noooooo... oh here here here! this is it! .... nope lol over and over again.

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Friday, November 22, 2019

Review: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish by Douglas Adams
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

There's no point to reading this book lol maybe that's what makes it funny.

This has got to be my least fav in the series, it doesn't have as much sly silly humor as the first ones had. Nearer to the end it gets funnier though I found myself chuckling.

There's a new character which makes things a bit more interesting. But the book is so jumpy, the parts I most enjoyed was when it wasn't jumping around frantically and just settled down for a second.

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Review: Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 1

Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 1 Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 1 by Yuu Watase
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Classssssicccccccc! Probably my 2nd fav manga of all time.

Absolute Boyfriend is about a 18 year old girl from Tokyo who orders a 3 day free trial boyfriend off the net (which turns out to be a living breathing sex doll). Turns out that the 3 day free trial is over and now she owe's $1,000,000 to pay for him lol Night is a really kind person and tries to offer to return him or to work part time for the money that's owed. When they can't pay for him the company suggests Night gather female data to better understand the female mind. So now they're in school together, should be interesting in the Vol 2.

I like all the little author notes in the far left column every once and a while, Yuu is an inspiration ;)

Before this I read the manga series Couple which was also cute and some sexualness, but Couple was more funny and more pervy lol, but Absolute Boyfriend has a better story!

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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Review: Couple

Couple Couple by Jae Sung Park
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this manga. This volume was my least favorite though, it's mostly about their hooker friend that lives in the same building as them.

I don't have book 4 so I'll be stopping here. The author stopped after book 4 for some reason, maybe he lost the inspiration.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Review: Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Loved it as expected from Roald Rahl.

This book was the shortest book I've read by him and also the least imaginative. But very well written and funny rhymes that made it entertaining. It's a short read and the story never dulls.

The Fantastic fox lives on while the 3 idiots man their posts lol

"Boggis and Bunce and Bean
One fat, one short, one lean.
These horrible crooks
So different in looks
Were nonetheless equally mean."

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Monday, November 18, 2019

Review: Redwall

Redwall Redwall by Brian Jacques
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Ugh! I'm sorry I'm sorrryyyyyyy I just did not enjoy this book at all. I have no idea how a child or teenager would be able to focus and read all the way through. Each page and chapter was such a drag I really should have made it a DNF but I felt bad since Redwall is so well known and loved. But alas, I did not like it.

The story is VERY basic... Redwall Mathias mice vs. Cluny's rats, back and forth and back and forth through this tug of war... with Martin's sword and Martin's tapestry as a trophy during the war.

This book is so basic I would recommend to children but then it's so frikkin long it has to be at least teenagers who read it. Also it's quite gruesome and there's lots of death and murder which I definitely wouldn't want my child to read.

This book felt similar to Watership Down by Richard Adams, because it's a basic story that's meh but it's way too long and drawn out that it sucks. I don't think I'm a fan of reading about animals anymore lol it's just too juvenile.

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Review: Living Your Best Year Ever

Living Your Best Year Ever Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Well this wasn't what I was expecting haha Well I'm not sure what to have expected because Goodreads doesn't even have an English version on here. This book is more like a guided journal/exercise book. I suppose it's to make you actually take action and write out all your goals and your action plan, but I don't need that. Loved all the random quotes though lol

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.”
~ Yogi Berra

“The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get.”
~ Jim Rohn

“You will become as great as your dominant aspiration.”
~ James Allen

“Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.”
~ Napoleon Hill

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

“The same thinking that has led you to where you are is not going to lead you to where you want to go.”
~ Albert Einstein

“Reduce your plan to writing... The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.”
~ Napoleon Hill

“The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.”
~ Michelangelo

“Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.” ~ Jim Rohn

“Do the thing and you will have the power.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

“The price of success must be paid in full, in advance.” ~ Brian Tracy

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Review: The Velveteen Rabbit

The Velveteen Rabbit The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams Bianco
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Such a sweet and innocent little children's book :)

I remember reading it as a child... I think this is why I was never able to throw away any of my stuffed animals lol! I have too much sympathy for them!

Stuffed animals become "Real" when the child not only want to play with them but they love them. And when you are real, even when your buttons fall off and the velvet isn't as soft and your pink little nose starts rubbing off, you will still be loved, because you are real. Even when you're thrown out, you shed a tear, and a fairy appears and makes you actually real, real to live with the real bunnies in the forest.

I'm not really sure of the moral of the story though... make sure you are loved/"real" so that you can live and not die when you are thrown out lol

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Review: Couple Book 2

Couple Book 2 Couple Book 2 by Jae Sung Park
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This one wasn't as good as the first but still funny and pervy lol it's more about the girl yu mi is tutoring than the couple.

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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Review: Couple Book 1

Couple Book 1 Couple Book 1 by Jae Sung Park
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a funny manga :P
And the guy is pretty hot *_*
I love the drawings <3
It' about a guy who's just trying to help a fellow college out but he gets all these pervy sexual thoughts about her lol it's pretty funny.

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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Review: The BFG

The BFG The BFG by Roald Dahl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loved it! <3

This is the funniest Roald Dahl I've read so far :P It's witty, ironic, and most of all silly!

Spielberg made this book into a movie! Def gonna watch it

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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Review: A Brief History of Time

A Brief History of Time A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Man we know a whole lot about the fact that we don't know a whole lot :P

But seriously it's more like I don't know a whole lot lol This book humbled me, I really need to pull out my old physics and astronomy textbooks and brush up on even the basics.

This book goes into depth on the history of discovery of space and time and the people who contributed to it and the science behind it all.

Definitely a re-read :P So much information XD

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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Review: Lock Every Door

Lock Every Door Lock Every Door by Riley Sager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, I feel cleared up from all the mystery and confusion this book had and I still feel very disturbed lol hopefully that's not too much of a spoiler...

Marking it under one of my favorite Mystery/Thriller/Psychological books

I gobbled this book up in like 24hrs, I couldn't put it down. So much intrigue and mystery... it did drag a bit through the middle but it picked up even more afterwards.

The ending surprised and shocked me

(view spoiler)

I liked this one:
"One time is an anomaly. Two times is a coincidence. Three times is proof."

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Friday, November 8, 2019

Review: The Night Circus

The Night Circus The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Wow, well then... I had high hopes for this book based on friends reviews and I was really disappointed.

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the beginning, up until about 35% of the way through...
It had so much promise... and the writing was very well magically written...
But then I just didn't care anymore, and it got really really boring.

Then my library hold expired and I had to wait months to get it on hold again. Once I got it back I finished it as fast as I could to make the pain stop lol I was even reluctant to wait for the library book back, I almost left it as a DNF but I felt bad because it's not a terrible book...

Some things are kinda enjoyable... and I liked the spirit of the book haha I don't know how else to describe it. I liked the childish imagination and how it was magic but not reallu "magic."

I really disliked all the time changing chapters and different years and places and people and it was just too much effort to read with such little interest =/

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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Review: The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life by Robin Sharma
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My my my this book really moved me. It influenced me greatly to wake up at 5am daily and to be not only the most productive I've ever been but to also have fun! Work hard play hard as they say.

The only thing that I didn't really like was how the book was written. It could have been much more simplified and cut down to half it's size. There's narrative and storytelling in it that I don't see the purpose in but the take-away's are still so valuable I still have to give it 5/5 stars.

- "Adults are deteriorated children... When you were much younger, you understood how to live. Staring at stars filled you with delight. Running in a park made you feel alive. And chasing butterflies filled you with joy... Then, as you grew up, you forgot to be human. You forgot how to be bold and enthusiastic and loving and wildly alive. Your precious reservoirs of hope faded. Being ordinary became acceptable. "
- "Education is the kindling of a flame." - Socrates
- "Self-Education is, I believe, the only kind of education there is." - Isaac Asimov
- "Heavily resist all piracy of your mastery from this world tempting you into distractibility and causing digital dementia. Force your attention back to the Everest's of potential aching for fuller expression and, today, release all reasons that need any stagnation of your strengths. Start being an imaginationalist - one of those rare individuals who leads from the nobility of your future versus via the prison bars of your past. "
- "(at halfway point in our lives) We begin to realize that we're not going to live forever and that our days are numbered. And so, we connect with our mortality. Big point here. We realize we are going to die. What's truley important comes into much sharper focus. We become more contemplative. We start to wonder if we'e been true to our talent, loyal to our values and successful on the terms that feel right to us... The last 50 years ten become less about me and more about we. Less about selfishness and more about service.

Rule #1
An addiction to distraction is the end of your creative production. Empire makers and history creators take one hour for themselves before dawn, in the serenity that lies beyond the clutches of complexity, to prepare themselves for a world-class day.

Rule #2
Excuses breed no genius. Just because you haven't installed the early-rising habit before doesn't mean you can't do it now. Release your rationalizations and remember that small daily improvements, when done consistently over time, lead to stunning results.

Rule #3
All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end. Everything you need to now find easy you first found difficult. With consistent practice, getting up with the sun will become your new normal. And automatic.

Rule #4
To have the results The Top 5% of producers have, you must start doing what 95% of people are unwilling to do. As you start to live like this, the majority will call you crazy. Remember that being labelled a freak is the price of greatness.

Rule #5
When you feel like surrendering, continue. Triumph loves the relentless.

- "Real riches come from living by the noble virtues of productivity, self-discipline, courage, honestly, empathy, and integrity as well as being able to lead your days on your own terms versus blindly following the sheep.
- "Elite production without quiet vacation causes lasting depletion. Rest and recovery isn't a luxury for anyone committed to mastery - it's a necessity... I've also learned that inspiration gets fed by isolation, away from the ceaseless digital diversion and mindless overcommunication that dominates the hours of the majority of these days... Your natural genius presents itself when you're most joyful. We get our ideas that change the world when we're rested, relaxed and filled with delight.

The 5 Scientific Truths Behind Excellent Habits:
Truth #1
World-class willpower isn't an inborn strength, but a skill developed through relentless practice. Getting up at dawn is the perfect self-controlling training.

Truth #2
Personal discipline is a muscle. The more you stretch it, the stronger it grows. Therefore, the samurais of self-regulation actively create conditions of hardship to build their natural power.

Truth #3
Like other muscles, willpower weakens when tired. Recovery is, therefore, absolutely necessary for the expression of mastery. And to manage decision fatigue.

Truth #4
Installing any great habit successfully follows a distinct 4-part pattern for automation of the routine. Follow it explicitly for lasting results.

Truth #5
Increasing self-control in one area of your life elevates self-control in all areas of your life. This is why joining The 5am Club is the same game-changing habit that will lift everything else that you do.

The 3 Values of Heroic Habit-Makers
Value #1
Victory demands consistency and persistency.

Value #2
Following through on what is started determines the size of the personal respect that will be generated.

Value #3
The way you practice in private i precisely the way you'll perform once you're in public

- Successful people - "lies in fact that they formed the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do... Top producers make it a habit to do the high-value activities that average ones don't feel like doing - even when they, too, don't feel like doing them... And by practicing the desired behavior over and over, their self-mastery and personal discipline grows. And the new routine becomes automated."
-"...will power weakens once it gets tired. Scientists call the condition "ego depletion." You wake up with a full battery of self-control. That's why I want you to do the activities that are most important to the rise of your inner empires at the time when your capacity is strongest - 5am. As you go through your day... your ability to self-regulate decreases - and so does your capability to handle temptations and manage weak impulses. The fact that human discipline muscles get tired from all the decision fatigue explains why so many massively successful people end up doing something foolish that destroys their careers.
- "The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil."

The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius
Tactic #1 The Tight Bubble of Total Focus (TBTF)
An addiction to distraction is the death of your creative production. Your attraction to digital interruption is costing you your fortune - financially, cognitively, energetically, physically, and spiritually. TBTF is a metaphor that you build around your assets of genius so they are not only strong they increase. The 5 primary assets that all superproducers defend are mental focus, physical energy, personal willpower, original talent, and daily time. The real key here is solitude for a scheduled period every day, in a positive environment that floods you with creativity, energy, happiness and the feeling the work you're doing is for the upliftment of humanity.

Tactic #2 The 90/90/1 Rule
Doing real work, instead of artificial work, daily and with absolute consistency, will give you a gargantuan competitive advantage born of mastery. Legendary achievers concentrate all their attention and effort on one core project at a time so they harness the fullness of their cognitive capacity and their precious energy on releasing glorious products that turn their industry on their head. The 90min period must be completed free of any noise and interruptions.

Tactic #3 The 60/10 Method
The way elite creatives do what they do is by understanding the power of oscillation. They structure their work cycles so they alternate bursts of deep focus and ferocious intensity of performance with periods of rest and full recovery. Even 10min of regeneration - go for a walk, meditate, read a book, so that your brain shifts from the worrying of behaviors of the left hemisphere into the creativity and flow of the right section.

Tactic #4 The Daily 5 Concept
Studies show that the most effective business leaders are at their peak when they'v actively engaged their mindset on the progress they've made. Make consistent 1% wins and micro-achievements throughout each hour of your workday.

Tactic #5 The 2nd Wind Workout (2WW)
Schedule a second workout at the end of each work day, you'll re-energize your willpower batteries so you improve your evening choices and even find your craving for sugar in the night time significantly lower. Go for a 1hr nature walk.

Tactic #6 The 2 Massage Protocol (2MP)
Studies have shown that massage therapy is a modality that generates significant improvements to brain performance, mood, your ability to fight stress, and general wellness. 31% reduction in cortisol (fear hormone), 31% increase in dopamine (motivation), 28% elevation of seratonin (regulates anxiety and rising happiness), reduced muscle tension improved pain relief, and more mitochondria growth. So get 2 90min massages per week

Tactic #7 Traffic University
While your on your commute listen to audiobooks

Tactic #8 The Dream Team Technique
Superproducers outsource and then automate all activities except those within the realm of their mastery, allowing for purity of focus and freeing up huge amounts of time.

Tactic #9 The Weekly Design System (WDS)
Every Sunday take 30min to carve out your next week. Start by reflecting on the past week, the highlights, lessons learned, optimizations for the following week

Tactic #10 The 60 Minute Student
Legendary leaders all have boundless curiosity and a limitless appetite to grow into their greatest selves. Peak producers are lifetime learners. For 60min/day study.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Review: The Wicked King

The Wicked King The Wicked King by Holly Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Okay I see why this book was rated so high now! This series is such a manipulative political coup!

The hype yes yes, the hype made me disappointed me the first half of the book.
Midway through I was thinking of giving this book a strong 3/5 stars. It was good, very nice poetic writing with all its magical fairytale medievalness glory.
But the second half and especially the last quarter was actually really really good!

It's not often that I'm wrong about an ending and this was one of those moments!

I'm glad this book is nominated for the Goodreads 2019 Choice Awards ;)

Can't wait to read the next one.

(view spoiler)

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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Review: Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone

Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone by Brené Brown
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This is a very short book and I didn't get much out of it.

What I did get out of it was that loneliness should not be a shamefull emotion, it should be accepted and treated as any other emotion. Lonliness seriously kills and it's one of the biggest contributors to happiness or depression.

It's so important that we connect with others. That sense of belongness is embedded into our DNA.

With all these distractions like tv, social media, video games we are less and less social and it's a scary thing.

I got more out of Browns book "Rising Strong as a Spiritual Practice," this book was very very similar but not as good.

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Friday, November 1, 2019

Review: The Heir

The Heir The Heir by Kiera Cass
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I cannot believe this series is still going on lol the story itself if so simple and short yet spans 5 books... sheesh. It's such an easy read too I can literally speed right through it.

Felt soooooooooo much like the bachelorette tv show it was agonizing. I mean it was sorta like the bachelor in the first books but it was different, the prince wanted more of a suitable princess that was smart, witty, understood politics, princess tasks etc but this book... I mean yea there was a pop quiz lol but that was it. This book was much more focused on who Eadlyn could fall in love with.
(view spoiler)

This book felt so different than the first books =/ not in a good way... It lacks what I enjoyed in the first few books; friendship, family, honor, betrayal, even the politics, everything lol
Not to mention Eadlyn's annoyingly stuck up bratty nature... She is a royal princess though, maybe it makes for a more realistic character? I've never read a book with an unfavorable main character before though. I think she's like this only because Kiera Cass didn't want the public liking her, and have to have a redemption.

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Review: Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon by Joe Dispenza My rating: 3 of 5 stars ...