Monday, November 25, 2019

Review: The Crown

The Crown The Crown by Kiera Cass
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

This series has finally come to a close! If anything it has taught me that it doesn't take much to create a successful teen series and is inspiring me that maybe I can actually write something because it would for sure be better than this.

You know that girl who's really annoying and talks to much and ins't very intelligent? That's what this whole series has felt like lol... I almost feel guilty for being mean >_<

This book was the worst of all, so empty, so pointless, so meaningless, so boring, so typical, so ugh. The only good things about it were some wisdom in relationships here and there and that's it. I'm not going to dive into all the reasons it didn't make a good book because it's just too much and I just want to move on with my life lol. The series overall would have been better without the last 2 books, but even then it still would have just been ok/good.

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