Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Review: Principles: Life and Work

Principles: Life and Work Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

First of all to edify Ray Dalio and who he is - Ray started his company out of his 2 bedroom apartment and built it to: 5th most important private company (Fortune), 1 of the 100 richest people in the world (Forbes), and one of the 100 most influential (Time)

I learned some "principles" in this book but I didn't get as much as I was hoping for. There are some very good concrete principles but there is so much repetition I started losing my mind lol if he says "Idea Meritocracy" one more time!!! I'm gonna lose it lol

I like how Dalio was interested in psychology and neuroscience to enhance the morale and productivity of his employee's, he was always striving for excellence in every department.

I liked the chapter on Decision Making, I think that it's a good re-read chapter"

My big take away's:
- Run your company as an idea meritocracy.
- Be open minded.
- Work together.
- Hire the right people and when they're not right or just don't fit anymore move on.
- When you make a mistake write it down, create a better system for next time, learn from it.
- If you automate decision making and assure yourself of your values it free's up brain power for other things.
- If you can create computer algorithms to research and decide things for you, the past repeats itself.
- It’s very important to understand where people are coming from, and put yourself in their shoes, and understand that everyone needs to be treated differently because everyone is different.

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