Thursday, November 21, 2019

Review: Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 1

Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 1 Absolute Boyfriend, Vol. 1 by Yuu Watase
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Classssssicccccccc! Probably my 2nd fav manga of all time.

Absolute Boyfriend is about a 18 year old girl from Tokyo who orders a 3 day free trial boyfriend off the net (which turns out to be a living breathing sex doll). Turns out that the 3 day free trial is over and now she owe's $1,000,000 to pay for him lol Night is a really kind person and tries to offer to return him or to work part time for the money that's owed. When they can't pay for him the company suggests Night gather female data to better understand the female mind. So now they're in school together, should be interesting in the Vol 2.

I like all the little author notes in the far left column every once and a while, Yuu is an inspiration ;)

Before this I read the manga series Couple which was also cute and some sexualness, but Couple was more funny and more pervy lol, but Absolute Boyfriend has a better story!

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