Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Review: Boy: Tales of Childhood

Boy: Tales of Childhood Boy: Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you're a fan of the Roald Dahl children's books you should definitely read this book!

His life from England to Norway to Africa was an interesting one!
How different life was back then! I'm so glad I never had to go to boarding school.
Roald in his childhood was quite the trouble maker and has some funny stories.
Even through Roald's autobiography I just love how Roald describes people, he really makes anyone into really unique characters.

He tells a funny mouse story where he stuck a dead mouse into a mean old crabby lady's candy store gobstopper candy jar. From sneaking goat poop into his "ancient-sisters" lovers pipe and putting tobacco on top. To getting lashed from "god sent salesmen" of the church.

Cadbury use to send the boys a box of different chocolates and they had to write back their feedback on each one. Roald imagined working for Cadbury and coming up with most brilliant chocolate inventions. Thus sprouting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

I had no idea a fag was an English public-school boy who acts as servant to an older schoolmate... he was kinda looked as an inferior and they would shout for them FAAAAAAAG lol... and then of course America took it to a whole different direction"

Athletes were the demigods, the chosen few." But poor Roald was never made School Boazer or even House Boazer, even though he was Team Captain for the junior and senior Fives team, squash-racquets. And to pile glory upon glory, I was in the school football team as well. lol well he didn't want to be a Boazer anyways.

Roald loved his job after schooling "Most of my companions wore hard bowler hats, and a few like me wore soft trilbys, but not one of us on that train in the year of 1934 went bareheaded. It wasn't done. And none of us, even on the sunniest days, went without his furled umbrella. The umbrella was our badge of office. We felt naked without it. Also it was a sign of respectability. Road-menders and plumbers never went to work with umbrellas. Businessmen did"

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