Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Review: The Silent Patient

The Silent Patient The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

LOVED it! The writting, the characters, the murder mystery plot, the psychological thinking, everything.
This book surprised me because I usually don't read this genre but it was amazing. I'm going to have to make a whole new shelf "Read-Fav-Psychological-Thriller" and have only this book in it lmao
This book would make a great movie. Turns out Alex Michaelides is a screen play writer so go figure :P

I don't remember a time when I was THIS hooked on a book haha Possibly Hunger Games when I engulfed it in a day. This book is longer though so it took me two days XD I got through half the first day and I liked the book it was interesting and had an intriguing "who dunnit" plot. The next day I just engulfed the book... from 50% to 100% I didn't even have a status update! 0 to 100 real quick... I didn't have time for anything else, dinner was hot and ready on the table and I just had to finish the last bit of this book. It's been a while since a book did that to me, to that extent lol

Loved all the characters they were all very different and unique. Like any murder mystery each character had something off and odd about them to make you second guess if they were the killer lol I enjoyed how the more and more you read the book the more and more you learned about Alicia and her past, as well as the main character Theo. I found his way of thinking to be very relatable. I'm a psych minor and I love psychological thinking.

Loved the greek story of Alcestis and all the greek references.

The oooooooooooonly thing I really disliked in this book was in Alicia's diary. Her diary was told as if it was a narrative into present time, with real live dialogue. It was written like a screen play as if we'e seeing her in the past on screen but it's not a screen it's a book. This is Alex Michaelides screen play comfort in play probably. But there's literally full out quoted dialogue he said she said and noooooo one writes in their diary like that lol

(view spoiler)

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