Thursday, December 12, 2019

Review: Master-Key to Riches

Master-Key to Riches Master-Key to Riches by Napoleon Hill
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Man what an old book haha but definitely a classic.

Master Key to Riches goes hand in hand with Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich with similar themes.

This book was annoyingly repetitive and not well written and organized. It's a short book that could have been halved in size and added into Think and Grow Rich.

Themes: Definiteness of Purpose, willpower, self-discipline, habits, applied faith, consciousness, imagination, going the extra mile, control your emotions, put away bad negative thoughts, control your ego and don't let it get inflated.

To be a good loving wife to your husband, at the dinner table propose ideas and consult him about his day with interest and the relationship and his success will grow. Pretty sexist but this book can get away with it because it's old lol

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