Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Review: Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Glad to say I've read it because it's a classic (1.5million reviews on Goodreads at a 4.12 rating says something).

I'm proud of myself for getting through the entire book because it's gargantuan. I regret reading all the way through though. I did not enjoy this book! I mean... it was okay... I'd give it 1.5 stars. And I'm sorry lol I mean of course in the 1800's I probably would have loved this book but now... it's very dated, very slow, I just can't. I'd be able to bear the movie but for an 18+hr audiobook ded lol.

I enjoyed the beginning the most I think, when Jane was struggling as a child and moved around from place to place. The middle was the worst most boring part and the ending it picked up a bit but it wasn't as good as the beginning.

It's also too religious for my liking, but hey it was the 1800's, what do I expect.

As the classic fictions go this book is a bit worse than Little Women but better than Ann of Green Gables.

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