Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Review: The Fate of the Tearling

The Fate of the Tearling The Fate of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Man this series is serious one of a kind. There's really nothing else that compares to it. I am disapointed in this 3rd and final installment of the series just because the first and second were sooooooo good. I felt like there just could have been more.

Well.. if I haaaaave to compare it then I would compare it to the Netflix series Dark which I really enjoyed but that's only similar in the messy time cut scenes.

There's so much time f%&kery going on sometimes it's tough to follow but it makes it really interesting going back and forth and to and from different characters it's soooo intricate!

The last chapter - I seriously feel like Erika Johansen had finished writing the book, walked away and was wondering hmmmm what do I do with myself now that I've finished this book... I've gotten through such a momentous task of writing this series, I've been tucked away in the dark with my characters for years - what now? And she wanted to write that feeling into her book through Kelsea, that's why it ended that way lol

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