Monday, September 30, 2019

Review: The Wife Between Us

The Wife Between Us The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

(2.5/5) It was good but I was hoping for more...
I was expecting some twists and turns from other people's reviews but I wasn't twisted as much as I'd hoped to be twisted lol

There's a ton of intrigue and mystery but not enough resolution throughout. It drags on. I feel like if this book was cut in half it would have gotten a 3/5 star. The last 30% of the book it finally picks up and starts shaping into a story.

Why I showed 3/5 stars is because I appreciated the authors writing. The writing is more meaningful and dense than this genre typically has. There was valuable, intriguing detail to the book that I appreciated.

It reminded me most of Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris because of the domestic drama and crazy husband, but not as good!

It also kinda felt like 50 Shades where the main girl starts to learn about her mans past, family and ex's, and the mystery behind it and how it explains more about why he acts the way he acts.

Reminds me of books The Girl on the Train as well, Gone Girl too even.

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Friday, September 27, 2019

Review: The Elvenbane

The Elvenbane The Elvenbane by Andre Norton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a great story! And great characters! I really dig the 'coming of age' genre within the Fantasy world. Elvenbane is very different than any other fantasy book I've ever read.

Basic story: Feral human raised by dragons, learning her powers, and how she will fit into the world of humans, elven lords, half-bloods, and dragons.

I think some people rate this book low because it's a thick fantasy novel that is slow paced. You just need to accept that it's slow paced, understand that, learn from it, and move on. It bothers me when people say 'ahhhh nothing happens until like half way through the book wahhhh' - go read a quick and easy teen fantasy novel then. This book is filled with great narrative and description and detail and I loved every moment of it.

I usually don't write a recap of a whole story but this fantasy story is so great that I had to <3

Story: (the more you read the more spoilers)
(view spoiler)

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Monday, September 23, 2019

Review: Wicked Appetite

Wicked Appetite Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Borrrrrrrrrring lol
Way too much dialogue...
Such an easy read, perfect for an audiobook in the car.
This book really doesn't take any thought lol it's very one dimensional and flat.
It's like rom-com meets slightly fantasy world.
The best thing about this book was that it was sometimes comical.

Similar to
- J.R. Wards series The Black Dagger Brotherhood because of the sassy main character girl and hot men in a fantasy world. he Black Dagger Brotherhood is wayyyy better though.
- Moon Called (Mercy Thompson, #1) by Briggs, Patricia because of the over use of dialogue and mysterious fantasy world
- Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1) by Frost, Jeaniene because of the over use of dialogue, boring story, badass main character, and mysterious fantasy world

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Review: The Elite

The Elite The Elite by Kiera Cass
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I am enjoying this series more than I thought I would. I seriously did not think I would be reading the 2nd book... alas... here I am lol Onto the third book now.

This book is good but you know how things are going to turn out. Cass tried to be discreet about things but in reality - at least to me - it's obvious. You know what's really going on between the lines yet the book tried to surprise you. That's the main thing I don't like, but it's kinda unavoidable given this specific story.

It also felt dragged on, honestly this book doesn't take a huge step forward in the story, it just seemed like Cass wanted to write a whole series and make more money out of it. The characters undergo most of the same issues as the first book did. There's just more character development I suppose in this book.

I love the love triangle. It reminds me of the love triangle in the Throne of Glass series and as well as the triangle in The Hunger Games. Throne of Glass is a much better book though because the story is much muuuuch more dense. This book is mostly soley on the love triangle. There's bits about the northern and southern attackers but not much.

(view spoiler)

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Review: Echo

Echo Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book was pretty boring and had a very sad feel to it, but when the harmonica played it was uplifted with temporary joy.

In my opinion this book is about how music can influence different generations, through war, through relationships, and hardships. How a harmonica can be passed from owner to owner through time and be loved and cherished and used for different reasons.

Definitely listen to the audiobook because you can hear all the music.

The writing was fine but the stories were just very boring and long winded to me. Good thing I love music and the feeling of playing music and sharing in that experience. If you don't like music you will hate this book.

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Monday, September 16, 2019

Review: James and the Giant Peach

James and the Giant Peach James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

<3<3<3<3<3<3 Loved this book, as any Roald Dahl book :) So imaginative and creative. I felt like I was a kid again imagining insects in my garden :P

Mean ugly aunts take care of a little boy names James and he meets this random magical stranger that gives him magical bugs that he accidentally drops on the ground. The next day there's a giant peach and he see's a tunnel and goes in to find a bunch of life sized bugs that have personalities. They cut the peach loose and fall to the sea. Sharks begin eating and attacking the bottom of the peach so they get seagulls to fly them up into the sky where they meet Cloud people who paint rainbows and make it snow and rain. Then they end up in New York where James stays inside the stone in a park for all to see.

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Review: Best Self: Be You, Only Better

Best Self: Be You, Only Better Best Self: Be You, Only Better by Mike Bayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book wasn't earth shatteringly great but it did influence my life.

I felt like the book was well structured in a way that it was practical and actually influences you to make good changes in your life. It's not just motivational jargon and hype hype hype.

How do you want to improve your life? Whether it be relationships, travelling, work, self awareness, etc?

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Review: The Hogwarts Collection

The Hogwarts Collection The Hogwarts Collection by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A must read for any Potter fan!!! :)

So much extra interesting information on Remus Lupin and Minerva McGonagal.

JK actually wrote more than what was in the Harry Potter books and she also had different drafts of the books which is shared a bit in this book. It's really interesting.

I like how they went over the whole time change issue I had with The Prisoner of Azkaban. JK also shares how she came up with characters names and places and objects. It's really insightful to hear her perspective and train of thought while she wrote the series.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Review: Calm the F*ck Down: How to Control What You Can and Accept What You Can't So You Can Stop Freaking Out and Get On With Your Life

Calm the F*ck Down: How to Control What You Can and Accept What You Can't So You Can Stop Freaking Out and Get On With Your Life Calm the F*ck Down: How to Control What You Can and Accept What You Can't So You Can Stop Freaking Out and Get On With Your Life by Sarah Knight
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Great book for people who deal with anxiety.

It's about using logic and walking yourself through the process, and not taking yourself so seriously.

You have to ask yourself the "Question to Rule them All" - can I control this? and if you can't then stop worrying and thinking about it.

You can't control everything, and you need to realize and accept this. Control means that you can make your own outcome but sometimes you have to trust and let others help. You can only change yourslelf, not others.

I like her approach - it's like a literary pep talk & action plan to help you stay motivated, calm down, and let go of the stuff that's causing you problems

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Review: Rising Strong as a Spiritual Practice

Rising Strong as a Spiritual Practice Rising Strong as a Spiritual Practice by Brené Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lots of great spiritual and life advice. Audio CD on Brene Brown talking and Q/A's about her book Rising Strong.

- Spiritual practice is doing something that is the feeling belonging and connected, arts, music, leading from heart, groundedness, be apart of something bigger than us
- We are hard wired for a story, we rely on stories for how, when, and why to protect ourselves. How we teach, express ourselves, gather, share of belongingness, how we connect with people
- Rising strong is getting up when you struggle
- Highly anxious ppl are high functioning, and usually the first born
- The reckoning - recognizes your emotions and why you have them.
- Emotional intelligence. - knowing your Emotions on a granularity level. Recognize and then articulate how you’re feeling.
- People that have trauma and wrote it down in a story heal mentally faster. If I write it you give yourself power, you’ve externalizer and got it out of you, it belongs on the paper.
- Think about a person that you clash with, just don’t get along with - what if god told you they are doing the best they can? What would you think then?
- In order for there to be forgiveness - something has to die. It’s about death and rebirth. Forgiveness is not altruistic it’s about detaching yourself from the perpetrator of hurt.
- “The sucks” - some things suck and we just have to endure the pain and continue on
- One of The worst things you can do with your kids is allow them to treat each other bad, don’t allow them to name call at all at home
- Kids need to feel like they belong at home and outside of school but most importantly at home. Don’t guilt or shame them.
- Walk your kids through the stories they make up (landmark) know the rackets/reckoning and go through the solution with them. Don’t allow them to talk badly about themselves.
- Emotional literacy - know what you’re feeling and why

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Review: The Alchemist

The Alchemist The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved the wise words in this book, very touching and life-changing.

1st re-read: Sept 11, 2019
This book as all about the journey of life and to find your true life's purpose.
Everyone has a different path yet everyone has the language of love and fear.
Believe in yourself, be true to yourself, and have faith that all will work out.

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Review: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A classic!!! Creative, imaginative, and heart capturing.

Roald Dahl is truly one of a kind and legendary. He always knows what it means to be a good kid. Matilda was the same. I would love to go to his museum in London.

Of course I loved the original movie back from my childhood but the book takes everything in much more detail. Describing much more about Charlie's upbringing and poor struggling livelihood with his huge household. His father supports the whole family, his wife, his grandparents, his great grand parents, and Charlie. Then he gets laid off from working at a toothpaste factory and the family goes into even more dire circumstances. Charlie was very poor and starving yet he was such a good boy. The family has hope that Charlie gets a golden ticket. All the other kids who got the golden ticket were just brats that were messed up. I enjoyed how Willy Wonka would fix them to become better. All the different kinds of chocolates was very interesting.

There is a boy who wins a golden ticket who is missing from the movie. It's funny because this boy is obsessed with tv and Willy Wonka explains how bad tv is for you and how it turns your brain to soft cheese. This is why they removed it from the movie lol because you're rewatching tv to watch the story.

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Review: Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon by Joe Dispenza My rating: 3 of 5 stars ...