Friday, September 27, 2019

Review: The Elvenbane

The Elvenbane The Elvenbane by Andre Norton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a great story! And great characters! I really dig the 'coming of age' genre within the Fantasy world. Elvenbane is very different than any other fantasy book I've ever read.

Basic story: Feral human raised by dragons, learning her powers, and how she will fit into the world of humans, elven lords, half-bloods, and dragons.

I think some people rate this book low because it's a thick fantasy novel that is slow paced. You just need to accept that it's slow paced, understand that, learn from it, and move on. It bothers me when people say 'ahhhh nothing happens until like half way through the book wahhhh' - go read a quick and easy teen fantasy novel then. This book is filled with great narrative and description and detail and I loved every moment of it.

I usually don't write a recap of a whole story but this fantasy story is so great that I had to <3

Story: (the more you read the more spoilers)
(view spoiler)

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