Monday, July 15, 2019

Review: One Summer in Paris

One Summer in Paris One Summer in Paris by Sarah Morgan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Good book to read if you like Paris and can relate to divorce, alcoholic mothers, dealing with the guilt of death, ex boyfriends, the womanly instinct to protect her child, and the natural need for an organized well planned out life.

What I really liked about this book was the ending - it was something that was probably very difficult for Sarah Morgan to write but she succeeded where most other authors would fail. It was a risky move on her part but I just felt like it was so real and authentic, much more than other novels that are really just a fantasy.

Paris is a create way to escape all the BS lol It seems to be a common theme because I recently read Paris For One and it had a very similar theme - run to Paris to escape your ex and try and find love.

This was an easy summers read, it was good, but it was too long. Could have shaved 25% of it and it would have gotten 4/5 stars.

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