Monday, July 8, 2019

Review: American Gods

American Gods American Gods by Neil Gaiman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this book, especially the first half because of the interesting characters. The second half felt like it just dragged and dragged on, but I think I was just losing patience with the story and how it didn't really climax into something epic.

I enjoyed this book because of the main character Shadow, he's a very mysterious interesting guy. I couldn't help picturing Shadow as Lincoln from The 100 lol because I've seen the tv show trailer. You also get to meet other really interesting characters throughout the book too.

I also enjoyed the book because Neil Gaiman is a very good storyteller when it comes to the beginning of developing a story lol not necessarily the climax or ending.

There's many parts of the book where I was thinking to myself okayyyyy so what was the point of all that? And just got bored.

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