Friday, July 26, 2019

Review: Black Beauty

Black Beauty Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a classic! I loooooooove horses!

I think this may be the oldest book I've ever read geeeeez 1877 lol over 100 years before I was born. And oh my how life was different back then haha see how it's influenced me to talk?

This story is all about the life of Black Beauty; the beautiful shiny black horse with a white star on his forehead and one white hoof. Black Beauty was passed around like a hot potato for most of his life to a multitude of owners; some kind and fairing, some rough and cruel. I felt like it was how Conan the Barbarian was passed around as a slave :P

The theme is mostly about morality and justice. Beauty went from happiness to near death. And the majority of the book you're feeling sorry for the way Black Beauty is being treated by his owners.

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