Thursday, May 31, 2018

Rich Dad Poor Dad By: Robert T. Kiyosaki



Read: April 10, 2013.
Good moral's, excellent read for a young person. For me personally I didn't learn much but there was much to learn if your not familiar with money management. The author loves to repeat himself a million times about what he preaches which is a good/bad thing. I found the way he thinks is extremely similar to my thinking.

Read again Feb 4, 2016
Great book explaining the mind set of how the rich think. It teaches how to separate yourself from the masses and to take risks and take a path less taken, like owning your own business. There's many perks to operating a business including tax savings compared to the heavy tax from a job (just over broke). Life is not about - Go to school, find a good company to work for, instead, go to school, find a good company to buy. Accumulating assets, and/or assets that produce cash flow, instead of liabilities. "Broke is temporary, poor is eternal."


Genre: Classics, Personal Development, Business, Self-Help
Page Count: 178 pages
Year 1st Published: 1997
Published By: Plata Publishing


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