Thursday, May 31, 2018

Rise By: Anna Carey



3.5/5 stars. I love all the adventure in this book, there was rarely a dull moment and things were constantly happening, hence why I finished the book in a few days.

Eve reminds me of Katniss from the Hunger Games, very similar character.

I would have given it 4 stars but the writing quality was not the best.


Near the end really put me off when Eve found Caleb and Anna never really even described the feelings going through Eve, it was suppose to be a twist but the way Anna wrote it was that Eve found Caleb and lived happily ever after lol.. And they should of made a character we know from reading the book the president, wasn't that the whole purpose of the rebellion? To get a new leader to power and change things? Then Anna writes that it's this random guy that's in power. It should of been Arden or Charles that took power. And what ever happened to the boys from the dugout?

Good series all in all though.

Started Reading:
Finished Reading: February 19, 2015.


Genre: Dystopia, YA
Page Count: 310 pages
Year 1st Published: 2013
Published By: HarperCollins


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