Friday, April 19, 2019

Review: The Slow Regard of Silent Things

The Slow Regard of Silent Things The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You either love or hate this book... or wonder what the hell you just read haha. I'm amongst the "slightly broken" ones who absolutely loved it.

I read it from start to finish not just because it's a rather short read but I loved being in the Underthing with Auri <3 I liked her strange odd eccentric character in The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear, but I love her now that she's showed me her world and how she see's it.

Patrick Rothfuss not only writes a story but it is so poetic! Filling my head with an abundance of extra vocabulary to learn I loved it! I didn't know how humble Rothfuss was until I read his author's notes on this story, he claims that this book is a mess and the reader's will be pissed and he apologizes. I thought this was so sweet and thoughtful of an author. It's because this book doesn't fit the conventional norm of a "story" there are no villains or dialogue and the climax of the book is Auri making soap lmao but this story doesn't need those things, it's great on it's own.

I've never read a book that I was so engaged in the character development of inanimate objects lmao Crazy as it might seem I actually loved the way Auri takes care of her things as if they were friends of her she takes care of. It's kinda of sad and lonely but Auri doesn't see it that way. She see's it as a service to others and reminds herself not to be self centered/selfish. Everything has it's place that they're happy and comfortable in and Auri does her best to make sure they're well taken care of.

I feel like I don't want to say it and bring it to the surface but Auri defintey has a mental condition, at minimum Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I feel bad saying it and I'm not making any less of her, but the way that she needs everything to be perfectly in place to make her feel at ease is not 100% normal healthy human behaviour.

“This story is for all the slightly broken people out there. I am one of you. You are not alone. You are all beautiful to me.”
Pat Rothfuss
June, 2014.

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