Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Review: Dracula

Dracula Dracula by Bram Stoker
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I can't read it any longer GAhhhhhhh i read like 85% and I don't want to waste any more time... soooooo frikkin boring XD

I'm not going to give it 5 stars just because Dracula paved the way for a whole new amazing genre, in which case i'd give it a 5/5. I'm giving it 1/5 for how much I actually enjoyed the book. I mean yea, Bram Stoker didn't even know the impact on the world this book would take, he was the original story teller of vampires. But this book is soooo drawn out, repeating itself over and over again as if the reader is mind numbingly dumb lol

I did enjoy the beginning quite a bit (the first 20%), with Jonathan's diary and his first perspective of count Cracula, but as soon as it went to letters and diaries of random other people I lost interest :( There's about 10% of the book describing how concerned Mina is about her friend Lucy and once you get over that it's even more boring!!!

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Monday, January 28, 2019

Review: Bloodlines

Bloodlines Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This series is in the perspective of Sydney which is a huge character change from Rose. Sydney is more good girl goody two shoes and Rose is more badass IDGAF lol I prefer being in the mind of Sydney which is why I think I enjoy this series better than Vampire Academy. This book was slower than VA in a good way, not as jumpy and rushed, more character development, but maybe this is just because it's the first book of the series.

You don't need to read Vampire Academy to read this series because everything is explained. It's just better to read VA first because this book takes off right after the series ends so you know the history.

In the VA series I never really understood the alchemists. - They're protectors of humans yet they sometimes help out the moroi like how they keep vampires under-wraps from humans. It's almost like they protect vampires over humans at times. If humans found out about vampires then they could be more prepared and defend themselves better. Alchemists believe vampires should have no place in the world - but I like how Sydney is empathetic to moroi and dhampirs.

"Vasilisa must have one family member in order to hold her throne" - this is so dumb, come onnnnn now you just know that they're going to try and kill her sister Jill.

I wanted more romance stuff with Adrian! Adrian's Mr. Cool boy, funny and witty, thinks he's all that but really he's caring underneath and a nice guy.

I'm not going to run to read the next book in the series but if I start missing this series I'll read the next one.

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Monday, January 21, 2019

Review: Wild Born

Wild Born Wild Born by Brandon Mull
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book was too childish for me, and it's unfitting because I believe this book isn't for children lol
It's not geared towards adults either, I would say between 10-18 which is a pretty small window.

It's not for adults for obvious reasons lol but it's not for kids because the vocabulary is pretty thick! Assemblage, pageantry, mews, rove, morsel, rondavel etc. And at parts it gets pretty violent and gruesome. AND the book starts off with so many characters even just in the first chapter children would get overwhelmed and not want to read it.

The story was strictly okay, from the beginning I could see the whole thing laid out, granted this is not a book for adults. I loved how much the love of animals is present, even when a deer gets arrowed for meat: “I’m sorry for taking your life, friend. Our village needs your meat. I got in close and made a clean shot so you wouldn’t suffer. Please forgive me.”

I had my issues:
- Even though the main characters are from completely different cultures and even continents and have zero knowledge of each other they were easily brought together to train together...
- I feel it contradicting that Connor is Devin's man servant and only a sheepfarmer while Devin is this royalty status and yet Connor is amongst the 3 kids who get to go to the nectar ceremony???

- 4 chapters introducing a spirit animal character in each chapter - first is connor, sheepfarmer serving a royalty boy who are both up for the running, connor isn't very confident, summons a wolf which is amongst one of the great beasts which is unheard of - second is Abeke who kills and offers an antelope as a gift to the ceremony, the people are starving but she's late so everyone is more disappointed in her than happy - she gets a leopard which is again unheard of because it's a legendary guardian - weird that her dad was not impressed he wondered if it was for good or evil but the leopard just brought rain which is what the community really needed. And I'm too bored to even write the other two main characters lol

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Review: City of Ghosts

City of Ghosts City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Good book! I enjoyed the characters more than the story itself but the story was still decent.

Scotland! Woohoo the Scottish lingo and Edinburgh castle, the cafe JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter, and Arthur's seat <3

I feel like the book was too short, it had only one little climax and that was it, but it is a book for younger kids I guess, but still. Also it was missing a greater whyyyyyy... what's the purpose behind it all?

But it seemed almost too put together with Cassidy seeing ghosts, her parents are authors of a ghost series, her mom is the visionary dreamer of ghosts, her dad is a avid researcher of ghosts lol aaaaand Cassidy's friend is a ghost hunter... her world is literally ghosts... it's too much.

The beginning was intriguing. Cassidy starts talking to a ghost that no one else can see but her. The ghosts can walk through walls and read her thoughts. And Cassidy is immediately relatable to me, she's unpopular and doesn't care, weird, curious, adventurous, and loves Harry Potter lol. She finds the popular girls unnecessary because it would be too much work to do your hair and make up and nails to make yourself look the same as each other.

At times I didn't like the Harry Potter references, dropping a line here or three is totally fine, but when you're describing each new character with which house they belong to it's too much lol

Issue I had with the beginning to middle is there’s no mention of other ghosts but Jacob, even though supposedly she can see them and talk to them there's no mention.

(view spoiler)

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Review: The Barefoot Investor: The Barefoot Investor's Step-By-Step Guide to Financial Freedom

The Barefoot Investor: The Barefoot Investor's Step-By-Step Guide to Financial Freedom The Barefoot Investor: The Barefoot Investor's Step-By-Step Guide to Financial Freedom by Scott Pape
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Scott Pape is pretty funny and entertaining :P Richard Branson was right that he makes finance fun lol BUT... this whole book is based on Australian rules, government rules, finance rules, culture, housing marking, etc which is completely useless to me and the majority of the world lol =/

One thing I disagreed with him on was he believes that paying off the smallest debt is always the best way. This might work on people with mounds of debt that feel hopeless and need a confidence boost on paying off one of the debts and cutting up the credit card. BUT... rationally and logically it's always best to pay off the debt with the highest interest rate first...

Some tips I noted:
- Get rid of bank fees no one should be paying that
- Most of the stuff we buy ends up in the garage/garbage in a landfill and is a waste so stop buying so much stuff
- Ways to make more income - 'career compounding' - set goals that matter with your boss, every week branch out how to work on them, pay raise by end of year, climbing the corporate ladder. Or do your own thing and freelance doing stuff you're good at
- Scott Pape is the one who helped Richard Branson launch Virgin Money in Australia
- Invest into an index fund not specific stocks. I agree but it’s fun to bet on some specific companies too
- Put your investing program on autopilot

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Review: Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life

Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life by Gary John Bishop
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

It was okay... Super short read... Not much I'm really taking away from it, but I know of other people who would benefit from it. I mean yea he makes good valid points and everything but they're primitive in the self development world. Also he's pretty repetitive saying the same things over and over again to rally drill it into your head i guess. This made it feel like he was coaching instead of teaching. I did enjoy his humor though and he can be entertaining sometimes. More f bombs than Tony Robbins lol

Some notes:
- You talk to yourself a lot even now. The kind of thought impacts your life greatly positive or negative. Positive thoughts are a key aspect to a happy life .
- Separate what you’re willing to do and not willing to do and decide - Are you really willing to do what needs to be done to get to what those things you want? Once you decide there will be less guilt resentment
- No excuses, time is now, stop procrastinating, replace bad habits with good ones, stop binge watching Netflix stop buying take out on the way home get off the couch

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Review: The Invasion of the Tearling

The Invasion of the Tearling The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Really enjoyed this book! I feel like this book is so different than any other book I've ever read. There's fantasy, time, romance, war, loyalty, mystery and so much more.

There's a totally separate different story to the main story that is written on and off in this book. At first I thought Kelsea was reading it as a book, as she's always talking about reading books, but she's somehow seeing it all in her mind. I had no idea why we were learning in this whole different story, it's even set in a different time and culture and everything, but later in the book it all thankfully makes sense :) I did enjoy the other story anyway, this book was really long so it was almost nice to take a break from the main story and to read another :P

We finally get to find out what the Sapphires really are, what they're used for in this book.

The way this book is written is that things happen but you only find out why and what it means to the story later on. Definitely a reread! :P

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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Review: Worry-Free Money: Stop budgeting, Start Living

Worry-Free Money: Stop budgeting, Start Living Worry-Free Money: Stop budgeting, Start Living by Shannon Lee Simmons
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Great book if you're looking for a happier way to budget your money so you don't feel so strapped down. I'm a finance major so I love learning new ways of organizing finances and budgeting so I enjoyed this book, it's very practical.

Basically you figure out where all your money is going, and mark it down as either a fixed expense (which you can't change, like hydro, car insurance, etc.), and everything else you spend your money on. You look at your expenses and find out what's most and least important to you and get rid of the expenses that are unimportant. That way you can create an Emergency account, a Short term savings account (trips, upgrade car, etc), and a long term savings plan (retirement). The thing that's different about this book is that Simmons sections out a sort of allowance, a guilt free account that you're allowed to spend on whatever you wish, literally called the "Happy spending account."

I'd say the majority of the book is going through examples of different people's finances. Whether it be a young couple, a divorcee, an older couple trying to retire, literally all walks of life. There are soooo many examples walking through all their expenses and cutting out what and prioritizing what they really want.

When we are faced with situations that we want to spend additional money we need to sit back and calculate if it’s within our means, and ensure we would still be able to pay our fixed expenses and savings.

Write down every category of expenses and rate from 1-5, 5 being must and 1 being unimportant to you, work through the 1-3’s to see if you can eliminate those expenses.

The psychological benefit of having an emergency account is better than putting a few grand into your debt repayment plan. Me personally, instead of putting it into a 1% savings account which isn’t even beating inflation out it into a GIC that you can tap into if necessary, in your portfolio anyway you should have some GIC’s anyways, low risk investments. But that's just me, I know most people would benefit psychologically by having an emergency account.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Review: Speed Reading For Dummies

Speed Reading For Dummies Speed Reading For Dummies by Richard Sutz
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Good practical book :) This book is for beginners who want to be able to read quickly yet have better comprehension, retention, and get more meaning and pleasure out of reading.

- Don't vocalize the words you read, take in several words at a time
- See the words don't hear them
- Improve your vocabulary in order to be able to speed read more.

I speed read through this book lol Half the book were exercises that you can do to practice speed reading. I didn't even go through the exercises because I read enough to practice speed reading else where instead of their boring examples ;)

The main points I took away are below.
- Speed reading actually increases reading comprehension. Because you read several words at a time when you speed read, you can pick up the meaning of words in context. This ability to read in context improves comprehension because each word in the sentence gives meaning to the other words instead of standing alone.
- A pacer is a reading aid such as a card or your hand that directs you where to look on the page when you read.
- You have to know when to skim, when to read fast, and when to slow down to get the gist of it.
- Speed reading, requires sustained, forceful concentration because when you speed read, you do many things at once
- Speed reading is seeing; the first step in reading anything is seeing the words
- You read several words in a single glance (must have good vocabulary), You expand your vision so that you can read and understand many words in a single glance, You expand your vision to read vertically as well as horizontally on the page
- The problem with the sound-it-out approach to reading is that it slows you down. You read not at the speed you think but rather at the speed you talk - Training yourself not to vocalize when you read is one of the most important speed-reading skills you can acquire.
- vocalizing affects comprehension. If you move your lips or mimic speech when you read, you engage a part of your mind in speech activities when you really ought to devote it to grasping
the author’s ideas.
- motor readers move lips and tongue etc when they read which is very slow, auditory readers are better because hey read silently, visual readers are most efficient because they vocalize minimally, they engage their eyes and minds when they read
- how to silence your vocalization:
1 Try to perceive the words rather than see them. Imagine that each word is a symbol (not a sound) that conveys a meaning.
2 Turn off your ears. Pretend your ears have a volume control and turn it to the mute setting.
3 Widen your field of vision. By taking in more words on a line, you force yourself to read more words at a time, and this helps prevent vocalization.
4 Identify the thought units in sentences, not the words, and read thought unit by thought unit rather than word by word.
5 Concentrate harder when you read. Much of being a speed reader comes down to concentrating harder than you used to.
- expanding your vocabulary helps in speed reading because you don't have to stop and vocalize that word and check dictionary, a good way to understand a new words meaning is to break it up into a the prefix, root, and suffix, prefix is beginning of word, root is middle, and suffix is the end - neologism - neo is new - log is word - ism is condition or manner, thus a new word/phrase.

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Review: The Virgin Way: Everything I Know About Leadership

The Virgin Way: Everything I Know About Leadership The Virgin Way: Everything I Know About Leadership by Richard Branson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Finally finished! Took me forever to read this book lol All in all it was good. Richard Branson is such a funny trouble maker lol
I like how he likes to have to workplace be a fun and creative place to work. He's alllllll about HR, making sure everyone is happy and loves their jobs, and he throws fun parties and boasts that Virgin is the best place to work at.
He talks about having mentors, learning from others, collaboration is very important and the skill of listening.
He strongly believes in youth entrepreneurship which I liked, and he's always looking at ways to help youth grow their businesses.

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Monday, January 7, 2019

Review: It's Kind of a Funny Story

It's Kind of a Funny Story It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

(3.5/5) I really liked this book! Very funny, witty, thoughtful. It had a similar feeling to The Fault in our Stars by John Green.

I forgot that I actually watched the movie 9 years ago. But although the movie was decent it did not do the book justice. There's so much of the book that is in the main character Craig's head, that it's impossible to relay that through a movie.

Within the first couple chapters I had already lol’d several times, I love the way the main character thinks, so contemplative and curious and blunt.

He just wants to love a life of no decisions and just go with the flow and play video games 24/7 as an escape from himself because he's constantly feeling pressured. He studied super hard and sacrificed a lot to get into a high school for gifted kids and his friend told him that he didn’t even study and he got in too this was the first strike to Craig to start thinking he wasn’t smart enough not good enough then he got into weed and alcohol, then Nia got with Aaron instead of Craig and that’s when Craig really lost it and started seeing decisions as “tentacles” and started getting depressed and admitted to having daily thoughts of suicide then admitted that even as a kid growing up he had suicidal thoughts.
Cycling: (paraphrased) "young but screwing up my life, smart but not enough.. every time I spend money I feel like I’m getting raped, I don’t like to smoke pot but when I do smoke it I get depressed, I haven’t done enough with my life, no sports, not involved in any social causes, my one friend is a screw up who’s with the most beautiful girl in the world and he doesn’t even know it, I’m just a nobody"

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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Review: Red Queen

Red Queen Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

(1.5/5) I feel bad for saying this but dang I didn't really like it, it was okay. I don't think there was anything particular wrong with the book, I just didn't enjoy it. It reminded me of the beginning of the Hunger Game, and the really boring political parts in Divergent. It felt sooooo loooong. All about Rebels... terrorists...

The beginning was so much like Hunger Games... girl in a poor family with younger sister, has an attractive guy friend she known forever. Then they assemble for a political meeting like the name calling for tributes in Hunger Games. Her guy friend is being taken into the army and she feels responsible, just like how Hunger Games Katniss volunteered for tribute to save her sister. Then there's the rich crowd that holds the games and has all the power.... ughhhh.

(view spoiler)

I sadly won't be continuing to read the series

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Review: The Saturday Night Ghost Club

The Saturday Night Ghost Club The Saturday Night Ghost Club by Craig Davidson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book. Mostly because of Davidson's writing, he is immensely poetic, descriptive, and detailed. The story is basically about a boy and his eclectic uncle that tells him ghost stories every Saturday. But this book wasn't what I was expecting at all lol I thought it would just be a collection of ghost stories that were really creepy but it was deeper than that.

The book starts out describing the brain, it's only grey once it's surrounded by oxygen, it's actually pink. It's texture isn't rubbery like in the movies it's actually like toothpaste. He talks about how a tumor or trauma can effect and change a person. How memory is like a living thing always morphing and changing. You really only remember what you want to remember and you have the power to even change what you remember.

The main character Jake is a neurosurgeon working at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. He grew up in Niagara falls and describes Clifton hill, the summer tourists, etc and he now lives in his glittery apartment in Toronto. It was neat hearing about Toronto and Niagara Falls because I'm very familiar with the area ;)

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Review: Sell It Like Serhant: How to Sell More, Earn More, and Become the Ultimate Sales Machine

Sell It Like Serhant: How to Sell More, Earn More, and Become the Ultimate Sales Machine Sell It Like Serhant: How to Sell More, Earn More, and Become the Ultimate Sales Machine by Ryan Serhant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Insightful book :) I didn't know that Ryan use to be this shy, fat, cowboy lol He was never a jock or a nerd, he didn't really know where he fit in. He started out doing leasing and then he got onto the show Million Dollar Listing New York and started selling million dollar apartments. He's actually really funny, goofy, creative, driven, persistent.

My Notes:
- Never be doing just one deal, after your done showing your closing on a deal and then your making calls to another, don’t just play with one you st s time like when you were a kid, organize the toys well and manage it
- Post on Kijiji & Craiglist
- Know the neighborhoods and streets
- Say and believe your the best
- Take improv classes
- Stage 1 excitement, 2 frustration, 3 fear, 4 disappointment, 5 acceptance, 6 happy, 7 relief
- Always have solution to problems in advance of explaining bad news to client
- Night before plan next day and answer all emails. 5am wake up, exercise, read newspapers for real estate, shower, look awesome, do toughest thing first
- When the market isn’t hot develop a story
- Google the house, maybe it was in a movie, maybe Justin Bieber lived there

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Review: Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon by Joe Dispenza My rating: 3 of 5 stars ...