Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Review: City of Ghosts

City of Ghosts City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Good book! I enjoyed the characters more than the story itself but the story was still decent.

Scotland! Woohoo the Scottish lingo and Edinburgh castle, the cafe JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter, and Arthur's seat <3

I feel like the book was too short, it had only one little climax and that was it, but it is a book for younger kids I guess, but still. Also it was missing a greater whyyyyyy... what's the purpose behind it all?

But it seemed almost too put together with Cassidy seeing ghosts, her parents are authors of a ghost series, her mom is the visionary dreamer of ghosts, her dad is a avid researcher of ghosts lol aaaaand Cassidy's friend is a ghost hunter... her world is literally ghosts... it's too much.

The beginning was intriguing. Cassidy starts talking to a ghost that no one else can see but her. The ghosts can walk through walls and read her thoughts. And Cassidy is immediately relatable to me, she's unpopular and doesn't care, weird, curious, adventurous, and loves Harry Potter lol. She finds the popular girls unnecessary because it would be too much work to do your hair and make up and nails to make yourself look the same as each other.

At times I didn't like the Harry Potter references, dropping a line here or three is totally fine, but when you're describing each new character with which house they belong to it's too much lol

Issue I had with the beginning to middle is there’s no mention of other ghosts but Jacob, even though supposedly she can see them and talk to them there's no mention.

(view spoiler)

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