Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Review: Dracula

Dracula Dracula by Bram Stoker
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I can't read it any longer GAhhhhhhh i read like 85% and I don't want to waste any more time... soooooo frikkin boring XD

I'm not going to give it 5 stars just because Dracula paved the way for a whole new amazing genre, in which case i'd give it a 5/5. I'm giving it 1/5 for how much I actually enjoyed the book. I mean yea, Bram Stoker didn't even know the impact on the world this book would take, he was the original story teller of vampires. But this book is soooo drawn out, repeating itself over and over again as if the reader is mind numbingly dumb lol

I did enjoy the beginning quite a bit (the first 20%), with Jonathan's diary and his first perspective of count Cracula, but as soon as it went to letters and diaries of random other people I lost interest :( There's about 10% of the book describing how concerned Mina is about her friend Lucy and once you get over that it's even more boring!!!

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